

Geplaatst op zondag 08 januari 2012 @ 17:25 door -Postman- , 1553 keer bekeken

Rock Baby Rock It ! (1957)  1.07:22

This 1957 rock n' roll quickie is famous (or infamous) in cult movie circles for it's low budget charm,
combined with a rare authentic look at then contemporary youth culture

Don't Knock the Rock  (1956)  1;24:40

Another mid-50's rock n' roll exploitation quickie, made famous because of the appearance of both
Bill Haley and The Comets and Little Richard

* Pssst: klik meteen na start, eerst even op 't speakertje ....... het geluid staat (standaard) uit

photo google_translate_logo_zps8a8818dc.jpg





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