Geplaatst op maandag 23 juli 2018 @ 14:46 door -Postman- , 993 keer bekeken
Music Hits Reworked
Sometimes the melody is just about the same, but (as) for the rest it's a whole new piece of art
Er zijn in de loop der tijd -in ieder geval sinds 1973- talloze versies van Time gemaakt.
Van bands die Pink Floyd (bijna) letterlijk kopiëren, tot Reggae-, Jazz-, Instrumentale ea. versies.
Hier een verzameling van de opvallendste, plus een aantal op de frontpagina.
01. Pink Floyd - Time - 1973
Pink Floyd Time Original (1973) written by David Gilmour, Nick Mason, Roger Waters, Rick Wright
02. Time cover by Kelsey Wood - Pop/Rock version
03. Time cover by Michelle Simonal - Jazz/Blues version
04. Time cover by Easy Star All-Stars - Reggae version
05. Time cover by Godsmack - Hard rock, Rock version
06. Time cover by London Philharmonic Orchestra - Instrumental/Classical version
07. Time cover by Lulu Hugues * Time: 4:21 (not 7:10) - Pop version (Aretha Franklin - Think style)
08. Time cover by Stella Starlight Trio - Jazzy/Bossa Nova interpretation
09. Time cover by Vitamin String Quartet - Violin version
10. Time cover by Gov't Mule - - Rock/Pop Tribute version
Files listed on this blog are individual uploads to video-/audio sharing platforms by various uploaders
We select -at least- standard definition (SD) video files and/or 128kb MP3 audio files
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